Eternal Shield - Merch
Cane Q9 Dom HSR 9% - Merch
Cane Q12 Illusion HSR 9% - Merch
Water Staff Q9 Water - Common skin , Merch
Jewweled Chakram Q11 Illusion +44/Encht - Merch
Frost Artifact Q11 Water HSR 10% - Merch
Eternal Bow Q13 +20^Hex - Merch
Storm Bow Q9 +14^Stance - Personally i like the skin so either Use/Put on hero/Merch
Cane Q9 Dom +4En^Hex - Merch
Cane Q12 Illusion HCT 10%/HSR 10% - I'd merch either way since i there are 20/20 mods now but meh could get some plat out of it (get more opinions on this one)